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Shanghai Yiyang Commercial and Trade Co.,LTD
Fine Chemicals;Coal Tar Chemicals;Washing Oil
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CAS 132-64-9 Dibenzofuran 96% Washing Oil Coal Tar Chemicals for OPP and DOPO
Fine Chemical Industry Coal Tar Chemicals Anthracene Oil Brown Viscous Liquid
Fine Chemical Industry Coal Tar Chemicals Anthracene OilUsed for the production of dye and insecticide, as raw material
Fine Chemicals Industry Acenaphthene 98% Coal Tar Chemicals CAS 83-32-9 for Industrial
Pesticide or Medicine Methylnaphthalene Products CAS 90-12-0 a-Methylnaphthalene 95%
FineChemicalsIndustry a-Methylnaphthalene 95%CoalTarChemicalsCAS 90-12-0CertificateofAnalysisCAS 90-12-0Controllingstand
Coal Tar Products CAS 8001-58-9 Creosote Washing Oil for Pharmaceutical Raw Materials
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